Here’s how to prepare yourself for fasting:

  • Drink water and herbal tea as much as you can 
  • Start your day with a glass of  water with lemon in the morning. This enables you to wake up your digestion system.
  • Eat raw food, vegetables and fruits
  • Reduce your consumption of foods and beverages such as coffee, alcohol, energy drinks, cola, chips, heavy and fatty foods etc. 
  • Move your body. Yoga can help relax your body and mind. Let your body sweating, kicking out the toxin and stress. Take a hot bath and relax
  • Prepare your mind: your mindset is as important as your physical preparation.


Every cleaning program is different. Everyone has a different experience during the procedure. The aim of the cleanse is to feel better: recover with energy, vitamins and minerals. It also helps with your digestive system and very good for your skin.


It is very helpful if you continue your routine from the preparation phase.

  • Hydrate: drink some filtered water, green tea as much as you want
  • Sleep, and rest as much as you can.
  • Sauna and steam room or a hot bath, all of these assist your body kicking out the stored fat, stress and toxin.
  • Move: Avoid heavy lifting excercises. We would recommend yoga, swimming or walking. Listen to your body!
  • Cleanse is not starving, the aim of the cleanse is not to crucify yourself. If you feel that you have to eat something, ask this question to yourself: Am I really hungry? If the answer is yes then you are free to eat something. Here is a little guide to what you should eat if you are hungry:
    • fresh salads, soups made out of fresh ingredients, banana, sliced fruits and vegetables ( cucumber, apple,pineapple,pear), maybe a small cup of smoothie
    • things you should avoid: processed foods, sugar, egg, flour, animal fat, meat, salt, caffeine, coffee and alcohol


Which bottle should I drink and when?

  • We suggest to start with citrus juices after waking up. If you have a different routine then you can start the day with a different colour juice.
  • For the main meal we recommend to you the green juices.
  • Drink your last juice of the day 2 hours before going to bed.
  • If you are on a PREMIUM INSIDE JOB cleanse, then you should start with a shot.

The main rule is: LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!

Drink the juice that you desire.

Superjuice cleanse is not a starvation diet, not medicine, not a salve prescription by a doctor for any disease.  In case you are planning on a cleance, but you have a chronic or acute condition, please consult with your doctor before starting it. 

During the cleanse you may have/feel/be: tired, headache, weakness, lethargy. These symptoms don’t last long, and they are not durable.


It’s very important to focus on the channelling as well as you did during the preparation and the cleanse.

By degrees you can start and eat heavy foods, but love and give time to yourself.

Countinue on stay hydrated and try to eat as much fresh, and healthy food as you can.

Just keep moving. Do some excercise.

It’s easier to keep your health than regain it again.