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Shots for everyone. Ginger is an essential accessory in natures pharmacy, especially during winter. 

Flu? Stomach pain? Infection? Morning sickness? Mestrual pain? The answer is GINGER. Cold pressed, fresh and raw ginger juice.

Content values of ginger:

  • Vitamin – A, C, E and B
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorous
  • Sodium
  • Iron
  • Organic zinc
  • Calcium
  • Beta-carotene

Physiological effects of ginger:

  • Ginger controlls the blood sugar level, It do helps diabetes.
  • Ginger could decrease the blood sugar level, also could increase the effectiveness of medicines against diabetes.
  • Our digestive systems best friend is ginger, also good for menstrual cramps.
  • Ginger is controlling bloating and soothing to the stomach. It relieves cramps and relaxes the bowel wall, beside that It’s effective against diarrhea. 
  • Ginger has high content of potassium and magnesium, moreover it helps with high colesterol level and helps relieve blood clots.
  • Antiviral and antibacterial: ginger is good against flu and the common cold.
  • Ginger alleviates head aches and migraines. 

The Superjuice products require cooling, because they are raw and untreated. Our products do not contain any preservatives, moreover they are not pasteurised or conserved with HPP process. Without these methods we are capable of keeping the valuable content values of our ingredients, such as vitamins, mineral substances and enzimes.

For further information please check out our FAQ page or our aticle about the Cold Press juice making procedure at the bottom of our webpage.

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